What is Gold?
Gold is BIRDIE SHOT's in-game currency that can be swapped for BIRDIE Tokens.
Swapping Gold for BIRDIE Tokens takes 24 hours to complete.
After a swap is complete, you cannot perform another swap until a 60-hour cooltime passes (total of 84 hours from the beginning of a swap).
A minimum of 20,000 Gold to a maximum of 400,000 Gold can be swapped for BIRDIE Tokens in one exchange.
5% fee is applied when swapping Gold for BIRDIE Tokens in order to support the platform’s operations.
Other uses for Gold are:
Purchasing Balls
Purchasing items required for character growth, such as EXP Drinks
Obtaining equipment items from the Item Gacha
Upgrading equipment items (also requires additional equipment items as upgrade ingredients)
Upgrading a character (also requires Character Pieces)
Purchasing Lucky Boxes
Last updated